Release notes 23.02

Last updated 02/15/23 with Cogito 23.02 release

What's New

User Management updates

Redesigned Coach role

The concept of a Combination Role has been introduced to allow multiple role support in the Cogito UI. This enhancement is needed to adapt to the newly introduced Coach role requirements.
The recently added coach role support allows either an Agent or a Supervisor to also have a Combination Role as Coach.

Personalized Coaching (hidden behind a feature flag)

  • Support of the redesigned Coach role is now provided
  • Empathy notification has been added to the allowed and supported behavioral notification list

Conversation AI (hidden behind a feature flag)

Sensitive Data Identification and Redaction, real-time guidance


  • Sensitive Data Redaction model now supports higher call volume

Transcript Display, post call analysis

Bug Fixes

  • Completed Calls are now properly loading in the viewing window