Release notes 23.08
over 1 year ago by Natalja Sticco
Last updated 08/16/23 with Cogito 23.08 release
What's New
Supervisor Notification Board (hidden behind a feature flag)
We are happy to announce the latest improvement to the Supervisor Dashboard referred to as the Supervisor Notification Board feature. It is a new capability of the Dashboard which introduces the following enhancements:
- The existing Live page Supervisor Notifications have been redesigned and repurposed to deliver configurable real-time topic-based Supervisor Cues, in addition to existing post-call Cues indicating a Low Call Score and a High Call Score
- An historical digest of Supervisor Cues is now available via a Notification Board, hidden behind a newly introduced “bell" icon. The bell reflects a count of Calls that the Supervisor has not “read”, each featuring a Supervisor Cue. The Notification Board displays the last 7 days of relevant Calls, is filterable, and allows Supervisors to jump directly to the calls that matter most to them

Desktop Slide-in Notification enhancements
Desktop slide-in notifications can now deliver the following notification types to Supervisors:
- Real-time topic-based Supervisor Cues (e.g. Escalation Request), configurable via the Admin Settings tab

- 2 post-call redesigned Cues indicating a Low Call Score and High Call Score
Note: Notifications are delivered via slide-in only when the desktop app is minimized. Otherwise, they will appear in real-time on the Live page (see above) and in the Notification Board once the call ends.
Redaction API enhancements
404 Error code response has been updated to reflect additional information from Cogito Telephony component to better understand the reason of the error.
Sample output
"{"title":"Not Found","status":404,"detail":"Call not found for user","action":"REDACT_STOP","username":"2186686094","entity_id":"5b4fe0d3-a593-4dda-9bd8-f995e3e0192f"}"
"{"title":"Not Found","status":404,"detail":"User not found","action":"REDACT_STOP","username":"4185313417"}