Release notes 24.1
Last updated 01/17/24 with Cogito 24.1 release
What's New
Cogito Data API with EAI & Experience metrics
Cogito has activated a new API enabling customers with direct access to all post-call Cogito Data - available in a structured & standardized format through a set of API endpoints. The API empowers customers to interact with Cogito programmatically, making it easier to access, retrieve and use Cogito data that matters most to business operations.
A constant flow of Cogito, call level data helps the customer business intelligence teams to enhance operational reporting for speeder decision making. Data may be integrated into a CRM for a single and holistic customer interaction view.
The Data API will be released in phases; ranging from inclusion of Conversation AI Topics, Transcripts, Call Summaries, and derived metrics available through our Intelligence reports.
Phase 1, available now, makes all Emotion AI data available as well as the CX score and EX score. Subsequent releases will include the ConversationAI topic level data as well as Cogito Transcripts & Smart Summaries.
Cogito Emotion AI Guidance Cues & Performance Metrics Available with Data API:
Selection of Data API metrics available:
- Agent speaking percentage
- Extended Silence intensity
- Extended Overlap intensity
- Slow to Respond intensity
- Speaking Quickly intensity
- Speaking Slowly intensity
- Energy intensity
- Continuous Speaking intensity
- Empathy cue intensity
- Positive Interaction Count
- Customer Experience (CX): Track agent level CX with a focus on High, Lows, and trends throughout the day
- Employee Experience (EX): Review EX for every agent, measuring volume of low, neutral, or high experiences across all agent calls.

Performance Improvements
Continue Industry Leading Scalability for Agents & Supervisors
Personalized Coaching now supporting 25% more concurrent Supervisors
Resulting in large enterprise support for well over 400+ supervisors for Personalized Coaching plans and reporting
ConversationAI now supporting 20% more concurrent Agents
Resulting in large enterprise support for well over 25,000+ agents for ConversationAI topic guidance and reporting.
General Updates
Agent Status Icon on Supervisor Dashboard
Updated to correctly displays agent status, if they are not logged in, taking calls & receiving guidance, or taking calls & not receiving live guidance. Icon’s now accurately display when agent(s) are able to see live guidance from Cogito.

Supervisor Notification Cues
Added the ability to mark all filter calls as "read”
The PlayCall View and Search Page immediately reflects when a call is starred by supervisor from the notification board.

Supervisor Coverage
Enhancement to settings tab for Supervisor Coverage that enables admins to identify Supervisors by First Name and Last Name.

Guidance Viewed Live measured within Salesforce Integration
Ensures that any users receiving Cogito guidance with Salesforce “Toasts” will be accurately recorded as obtaining Guidance Viewed Live. Calculations will remain consistent.