Release notes 24.6

Last updated 06/13/24 with Cogito 24.6 release

What's New

Live Transcript

Announced last month as Beta, we are now in production with Live Transcript. Now, as the conversation unfolds with Play Call Viewer, a live transcript is displayed alongside the audio and Cogito AI cues, ensuring everyone stays in sync and can follow along effortlessly. Scroll up and down the transcript to gain context of the call and then sync the transcripts to live audio conversation. Enjoy the seamless integration of Live Transcript Display in your next conversation, enhancing collaboration and inclusivity.

Cogito Data API for Call Transcripts

Cogito continues to enhance our platform by introducing new APIs that provide customers with direct, structured, and standardized access to post-call data.

Our latest release, version 24.6, introduces a powerful new Data API endpoint specifically designed for retrieving call transcripts. Integrating with this new endpoint allows for deeper analysis of customer-agent interactions and enhances quality and compliance monitoring.

Key Features:

Introducing a RESTful API endpoint that allows seamless retrieval of call transcripts in structured JSON format.

Data API endpoint returns the call transcript including:

  • Speaker Identification: Indicates whether the speaker is an Agent or customer.
  • Username: The username or identifier of the agent handling the call.
  • Endpoint Address: Phone number or internal system identifier associated with the speaker.
  • Start and End Timestamps: Timestamps marking the beginning and end of each spoken segment.
  • Text: The verbatim transcript of the spoken content during the call, maintaining privacy through redaction where necessary.

Experience Report Beta

Introducing the Experience Report Beta feature, a revolutionary tool that empowers users with unparalleled insights into customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) metrics. With this innovative addition, users gain a comprehensive understanding of both CX and EX dynamics like never before. Through intuitive visualization and comprehensive analytics, the Experience Report enables users to delve deep into the intricacies of customer interactions and employee engagement, identifying patterns, trends, and areas for improvement with precision. Whether it's analyzing customer outcomes, tracking employee satisfaction, or identifying key touchpoints, the Experience Report revolutionizes the way users perceive and optimize both customer and employee experiences, driving unprecedented levels of success and satisfaction across all facets of the organization.

Operational Improvements

Features under operational section have indirect impact to our customers by improving our time-to-market for changes related to ConverationAI Topics, Guidance Groups, Supervisor on Leave, and User Management settings. While these changes are typically performed by our services team, we are working towards making them available to all customers through a self-service offering for direct management of your Cogito settings.

[Settings] Guidance Cues for both Agent & Supervisor

We're thrilled to introduce a powerful new feature aimed at enhancing collaboration and efficiency within your team: simultaneous guidance cues for both agents and supervisors. This update enables real-time support for both frontline agents and their supervisors, fostering smoother operations and improved customer interactions.

[Settings] Confirmation Prompt on Submit

We're excited to introduce a new feature in this release that adds an extra layer of caution before submitting changes to the backend. First, buttons have been changed from "Save" to "Submit" to better indicate that your request will be submitted to the backend for processing. Additionally, when you make changes within Settings, you'll be prompted with a confirmation prompt to validate that you're sure about the modifications you're about to make and understand that changes will immediately take effect.

Security Fixes

Platform Enhancements