Release notes 23.05
Last updated 05/16/23 with Cogito 23.05 release
What's New
Cogito Agent Dashboard (hidden behind a feature flag)
The new Agent Dashboard has a cleaner layout with larger visualizations that will help Agents make their workdays easier and more streamlined. The Dashboard has been designed to keep Agents motivated, encouraged and inspired to give their best performance as they work towards achieving their daily goals.
Cogito Agent Dashboard has been divided into three main sections each consisting of a set of configurable widgets:
- Kudos section (Kudos of the Day, Well Done Callout, Shout out to Team Members Callout widgets).
- Coaching section (three widgets reflecting three Emotion AI cues that require attention and behavioral improvement) have been moved from its original location (i.e. Goals tab) to the Agent Dashboard.
- Metrics section (Average GVL, Average TAI, Average Conversation and Emotion AI intensity widgets).
Note: every single widget is configurable and might not be included in your personalized Agent Dashboard during setup.
Please reach out to your CSM to schedule an enablement session in case of interest in this functionality.
Agent Dashboard before the enhancement

Agent Dashboard after the enhancement

Employee Experience Score, EX (hidden behind a feature flag)
The EX score is the output of a new model that analyzes the same voice signals that CX uses to assess the experience an Agent is subjected to on a call. The model primarily measures Customer valence, or how pleasant the caller is toward the agent, to indicate how the Agent is likely feeling at the end of the call. The resulting score can be used to provide more consistent visibility into the impact that customer interactions can have on the employee experience.
The model computes a call score representing a negative, neutral, or positive employee experience, based on the pleasantness of the customer:
- Negative: The employee experience is negative, due to an interaction with a customer who is either angry, tense, nervous, stressed, upset, sad, depressed, lethargic or fatigued.
- Neutral: The employee experience is neutral, due to an interaction with a customer who is neither pleasant nor unpleasant.
- Positive: The employee experience is positive, due to an interaction with a customer who is either calm, relaxed, grateful, collaborative or happy.
The EX score column has been introduced in the following components:
- Search tab of the Supervisor Dashboard

- New Call Control section of the enhanced Play Call View introduced in Cogito 23.01 release

Note: EX column is disabled by default (i.e. hidden behind a feature flag).
Please reach out to your CSM to schedule an enablement session in case of interest in activating this feature.
Cogito Admin Dialog improvements
Configuration of Topics and Keyword groups for CAI (Cogito Admin internal feature)
Regex entry field expansion
This self- service functionality was first introduced in the Cogito 22.11 release as an internal feature for the Cogito Services Team Admins. The current 23.05 release offers the following feature enhancement:
- It is now possible to get the list of all the preconfigured keywords and topics for CAI. Before this improvement, only the very first keyword was visible to the user having an Admin role assigned.
- Multiline RegEx statement creation no longer has constraints. The new updated UI allows the Cogito Admin to create and edit multiline RegEx statements on the UI, within the new modal window that is presented when working with RegEx statements.
Note: when modifying a RegEx statement, created using a .yaml file and consisting of multiple lines, it is recommended to edit the statement and re-upload it again via a .yaml itself.

Platform bug fixes
- User Icon discrepancy issue has been resolved: User status is properly displayed across all views indicating whether an Agent is logged in/off and whether a Companion (Mini Window) is active.