create and update users, and conditionally commit user data

This API validates user data and then conditionally commits the users. Because user processing can take a relatively substantial amount of time, each invocation of the API generates a new processing report with a unique reportId. The report ID is returned in the response and the user processing is done in the background. The reportId can be used in another API call to get a full user processing report.

This API can be exercised in dry-run mode by setting the commit query parameter as follows. If commit is false, user data will be validated but there is no persistence of the user data in Cogito services. If commit is true, user data will be validated and user objects will be persisted for users with no validation errors. By default, commit is false.

During user importing, only valid users are persisted in the system. If an existing user is re-imported, and the user's data has not changed, then, by default, the user is not persisted (again). To override this default behavior, i.e. to persist users even if their data has not been changed, set the forceCommit query parameter to true.

If user processing is already in progress when this API is invoked, a Conflict/409 error will be returned because only one (bulk) user import may be active at a time.
