Integration Description
Five9 is a cloud contact center platform hosted in Google Cloud Platform, while Verint Coaching is a real- time speech analytics solution hosted in an AWS cloud environment.
Verint Coaching Dialog is artificial intelligence software designed to provide real-time interactive guidance to service agents. For example, the software provides notifications to service agents to help them communicate more clearly, empathize with frustrated callers, and avoid long periods of silence thus improving their overall performance.
Verint Coaching service is enabled by capturing the live media stream in Verint Coaching Dialog using the Five9 VoiceStream application. The Five9 VoiceStream application provides CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) regarding the service agent calls and the media associated with the call is streamed via a Five9 proprietary extension to SIP. The SIP sessions use a fleet of Verint Coaching Media Session Streamers (MSS) deployed in the Verint Coaching AWS VPC. The application traffic between Five9 and Verint Coaching is encrypted by TLS.
High Level Overview of Verint Coaching-Five9 Solution
- Verint Coaching deploys a dedicated AWS environment for the integration and exposes integration endpoints.
- Client works with Five9 and Verint Coaching to enable VoiceStream application.
- Once Voicestream is enabled - the client creates a subscription in the VoiceStream application. This authorizes Verint Coaching to call Five9 VoiceStream API and allows Five9 to provide telephony events to Verint Coaching via REST API.
- Five9 SBC initiates the encrypted SIP session (SIP over TLS) and stream secured media (SRTP) to Verint Coaching for call analysis.
- Telephony CTI events are collected for registered Verint Coaching agents and sent to Verint Coaching using webhook API.
- As Verint Coaching processes call audio in real time, feedback is provided to agents via a web application. This is a HTML5 based application which is accessed through the agent’s browser or Desktop App.
Solution Architecture Diagram

Integration Points
CTI Event Monitoring
Five9 uses Verint Coaching's REST API to publish call events for Hold, Transfer, Consult and Conference.
A request payload from Five9 would include following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
id | the identifier of the call |
filterId | the identifier of the associated filter |
ANI | |
DNIS | |
direction | inbound or outbound |
campaign | the campaign name |
agent | the agent identifier |
contact | the caller if known |
stationId | the station identifier |
Once a call event is detected from an agent, Verint Coaching will check whether such agent exists in Verint Coaching and will respond with either answer to signal the desired media action:
Action | Description |
IGNORE | the stream will not be started |
ACCEPT | the stream will be started |
This API runs from a serverless lambda function in central VPC to relay CTI events into selective Five9 customer accounts by dedicated Domain ID stored in dynamoDN. This lambda, aka. REST CTI Tracker, is protected by an AWS API Gateway instance. CTI events’ attributes are parsed, then forwarded as CTICallEvent messages to the Matcher service via a message broker.
Media Streaming
Audio Streaming is enabled by a client initiating the VoiceStream subscription by selecting the Verint Coaching app from Five9 Admin portal
Through Five9’s VoiceStream Directives API, Verint Coaching advertises SIP service targets. Five9 starts sending calls, regular SIP INVITEs over TLS, to those advertised endpoints with the trust token on a specific SIP header for authentication purposes. It is expected there are two separated SIP sessions initiated by Five9 per agent’s call. Each SIP session represents a dedicated audio channel, agent or customer, in the user dialog. Verint Coaching will correlate these two calls into one with matching logic developed for this specific integration requirement based on a matched CallID.
The Verint Coaching MSS server receives and processes this call signaling information, extracting pertinent data, which is reported to the Verint Coaching matcher service for call “matching” purposes.
The call matching process is described in detail in the next section.
After the conditions of recording have been satisfied, audio is streamed to Verint Coaching Compute service for analysis. Only then users will receive real-time behavioral guidance and coaching to help improve the caller experience. These notifications are conveyed to the users via an encrypted HTML5 based browser application.
VoiceStream Customer & Partner Flow

Call Matching
The call matcher uses two pieces of unique call data within each individual call. It compares these values to the CTI data that is also received by the matcher:
- callid (CTI)
- native_call_id (media)
The matcher will try to match native_call_id values received from media sessions to callid values received in CTI sessions.
If a match is found, the matcher then queries the User Management Database to see if the agent or extension that received the call is provisioned within the Verint Coaching User Database.
- If during this query an agent ID or extension match is found in the User Management database, the Verint Coaching MSS server will respond
200 OK
to activate the RTP steam and begin streaming the concerned media from the Verint Coaching MSS server towards Verint Coaching's datastore and compute services. - If a match is not found in Verint Coaching's User Management database, MSS will not discard the media and this session will remain idle in the system until it is ended by the Five9’s network. Five9 will typically send a SIP BYE request in order to terminate the SIP session, or the session may simply timeout when Verint Coaching's timer is triggered.
User Management
Five9 provides an API accessible through the web to return their system setup information. There are two main API functions that are useful in helping to create dynamic user management via automation: getUsersInfo and getAgentGroups. These APIs are used by software which runs on a configurable periodic basis to pull data regarding the agents and agent hierarchy provisioned in Five9. The data is then normalized and accepted by Verint Coaching's AdminService before processing.
Prerequisites for Using Automated User Sync
- Each agent has a specific Verint Coaching role assigned, e.g. “Agent” or “Supervisor”.
- A hierarchical supervisor to agent relationship is created using a group data structure with M:1 (many to one) relationship between agents and supervisor under the following conditions:
- There should be one Agent Group per Supervisor team
- Agent Group description must include the term “Cogito”
- Only one Supervisor may be defined per group. Agent Groups with no Supervisor defined will not be processed.
- Client creates and shares a Five9 admin user account with Verint Coaching to enable Five9 API access. Only ‘read-only’ permission is required to allow Verint Coaching to pull data for user administration.
Automated User Sync Functionality
- Verint Coaching is integrated with the Five9 platform to import ‘Agent Groups’ representing teams.
- New users added to Agent Groups will be imported into Verint Coaching during the next scheduled user import.
- Inactive users removed from “Agent Group” will be removed from Verint Coaching during the next scheduled user import.
- Verint Coaching triggers user import periodically to ensure all new users from Five9 are added to Verint Coaching's user management system.
- Import every 24 hours is recommended.
- Verint Coaching will be alerted if user import fails and can restart the process to add affected users.
- Executive users currently can not be configured using automated sync with Five9. They can be added manually to Verint Coaching using the manual solution.

Field Name | Value | Description |
adapter | Five9 | adapter name |
contactCenter | Five9CC | contact center name |
lobName | Five9LOB | line of business name |
organization | Five9Org | organization name |
site | Five9Site | site name |
Role mapping recommendation
User Role(s) assigned in Five9 | User Role assigned in Verint Coaching |
Administrator + Supervisor + Agent | Supervisor |
Administrator + Supervisor | Supervisor |
Administrator + Agent | Manager |
Administrator | Manager |
Supervisor + Agent | Supervisor |
Supervisor | Supervisor |
Agent | Agent |
Manual User Management
Manual User Management is accomplished via a master .csv file of all users per the ‘Org file’ specifications provided and sent to Verint Coaching CSM representative.
Customer Configuration Items
Configure VoiceStream Application
In order to allow Five9 to stream data to Verint Coaching, the client must create a VoiceStream Subscription in the Five9 Web Admin Console. Clients authorize Verint Coaching for their domain then select calls they would like Five9 to stream for guidance.
- Gain access to the admin interface with appropriate credentials
- Select "VoiceStream".

- Click "Create".
You will see a screen similar to the second one below.
- Select “All Calls” under “Streaming filter” if you wish to stream all calls to Verint Coaching for analysis. Alternatively clients can select a “Custom Filter” and choose specific Campaigns or Agents.
Select “Cogito Dialog” under “Streaming Destination”.

- Click on the “Services” icon. At this point the subscription should show as “Pending” under “VoiceStream Subscriptions”. The subscription will show as “Active” once the authorization process completes in the background.
It may take up to 10 minutes for the subscription to reflect as “Active”.
Configure Admin Account for User Management (optional)
In order to utilize automated user sync functionality the Client is required to create and share an admin user account to enable Five9 API access to ‘read-only’ permission. This will allow Verint Coaching to pull data for user administration.
Field | Value |
Client to username | [email protected] |
Password | *** |
Role | Administrator |
Permissions | Limited Permissions as shown below |
The Verint Coaching user account will require the following minimal permissions to be assigned:
- No password expiration
The Administrator role will need to be assigned to our user account:
- Check box: "User can use Administrator Services"
If NO agents or supervisors user accounts have the Administrator role assigned to them:
- Select "Limited permissions"
- Select "User can manage users, except administrator users"
If agents or supervisors user accounts have the Administrator role assigned to them:
- Select "All administrator permissions" (User can edit other administrator users)
The following screenshot details the permissions that need to be assigned:

Client has to create one Agent Group per supervisor team. Individual Agent Groups has to be created with the following configuration:
- Name: Sup_1 group_LOB (no restrictions)
Agent Group description must include the term “Cogito”
Only one Supervisor has to be assigned per group. Agent Groups with no Supervisor user will not be processed.
We kindly ask the Client to gather supervisor team alignment with business & create separate agent groups for Verint Coaching.
Please refer to the Automated User Sync Functionality section for the visual aids and role mapping recommendation.
Five9 VoiceStream Integration
VoiceStream Partner OAuth Guide - Developer’s Guide
VoiceStream Partner API - Developer’s Guide
Updated about 2 months ago